
12FebUnderstanding the Customer

Understanding Customer Priorities for Digital Transformation


The charter industry is at the cusp of a digital transformation with increased use of technology, automation, and simplified business processes for superlative business performance and profitability. I frequently ask myself these questions:

  • Why does digital transformation matter?
  • Are we doing everything we can as an organization and as an industry to achieve this transformation?
  • Are we rethinking how charter operators are using technology, systems that learn and adapt, and process automation to streamline business processes to be nimble and competitive?

To fine tune my thought process on how to deliver digital transformation for the charter industry with the Charter and Go platforms (charter operator white label platform and the multi-charter operator distribution platform) we want you to think about the importance of several initiatives that we have on our plate relative to your business objectives and goals.

Delivering Digital Transformation for the Charter Industry with the Charter and Go Platforms

We want to hear from you how you rank each initiative on a scale from 1 to 5 (where 1 is least important and 5 is most important). Please take a minute to fill out the below survey before reading the remainder of this post. The information entered is anonymous.

A: Simplifying the end user workflows to be intuitive

B: Eliminating the paper trail with end-to-end automation for estimating the total cost of a charter flight instantaneously

C: Automating the pricing of a charter flight based on the competitive market landscape, market (origin and destination), point of commencement, destination seasonality

D: Maximizing your revenue generating opportunities with empty legs

E: Enabling competitive insights into markets, destinations, and aggregate price quotes from competitors

F: Accessing digital tools, systems, and processes

G: Possessing transparency into Key Performance Indicators to manage the business proactively with advanced reporting and alerts

Please leave us any further insights or comments you wish to add

A preliminary market research survey of our customer base and focus groups yielded the following results:

Category Initiatives Score
A Simplifying the end user workflows to be intuitive 4.15
B Eliminating the paper trail with end-to-end automation for estimating the total cost of a charter flight instantaneously 3.58
C Automating the pricing of a charter flight based on the competitive market landscape, market (origin and destination), point of commencement, destination seasonality 4.72
D Maximizing your revenue generating opportunities with empty legs 4.11
E Enabling competitive insights into markets, destinations, and aggregate price quotes from competitors 4.25
F Accessing digital tools, systems, and processes 2.56
G Possessing transparency into Key Performance Indicators to manage the business proactively with advanced reporting and alerts 4.77


We are utilizing the results of this preliminary survey as our assessment of our priorities. We plan to improve on the priority index metrics in subsequent releases of the software in 2021 and beyond. Making our customers successful and competitive in the months and years ahead is an exceedingly high priority for Charter and Go. We are focused on each of these initiatives before launch of our solution this summer.

The following chart illustrates the timing of the initiatives in our first two releases.

Digital Transformation Priority

The digital revolution has begun. It is up to every one of us to leverage and adapt to this transformative change for competitive advantage. Ultimately your priority is our priority, and your success is our success.


Ben Vinod
Ben Vinod – Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer





Building intelligent solutions that allow our partners to present their brand, maximize their profit, while increasing customer retention.  At Charter and Go, we take the complexity out of chartering!

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