
14OctCharter and Go Internship

The Value of an Internship – Both Sides of the Fence at Charter and Go


At Charter and Go, the first, and probably the most important advantage of an internship, is the real-life experience it provides the student.  The invaluable knowledge gained by working alongside a veteran in the field is priceless to anyone new in the workforce.  This is the time, where interns can ask all those important questions and take advantage of their mentor’s knowledge and insights.  But it goes both ways.  At Charter and Go, we know that we are obtaining a valuable apprentice. We get to assess their value and understand how they build relationships and of course, the synergies they have within our company.

The short-term obligation for an intern gives them an opportunity to view different companies in their prospective field and really get a feel for what they are about to embark on. One great opportunity for us as a company is helping to guide the interns in deciding a career path.  Of course, in the end, they ultimately decide whether or not this is really the career choice that they want to go forward with.  The bottom line is it provides an intern a chance to view different companies in their prospective field and really get a feel for what they are about to do with their career.  

Internship opportunities are eye opening to young professionals as they make a decision on whether they really understand what is required of them in the workforce within the field they have chosen.  If an intern shows measurable progress with their assigned duties there is a good chance, they will enjoy the work.  They will be excited to be a part of the environment and will show greater enthusiasm if an offer is extended.  Many employers know that happy employees in a positive workspace are more productive.  We at Charter and Go know that helping an intern find their right fit is important and beneficial for both parties

It goes without saying, another reason a student takes an internship is the post-graduation employment opportunity.  Interns tend to have that built in relationship and have some basic skill sets which makes hiring them an advantage. The risk is much lower since the company knows the work ethic of the intern and likewise, the intern has an understanding of the company standards, ethics, and culture.  Thus, training, evaluating, and mentoring interns makes the decision easy and extending an offer becomes more a formality than anything else.  

At Charter and Go we value our internship program and take the time and effort to ensure the students gain from the experience as do we.  Their refreshing ideas can bring invaluable insight to our employees.  In addition, their energy level is high, their enthusiasm is contagious and the tech-savvy generation inspires innovation.  

In summary, having an organized and well-orchestrated internship program turns an event that some might find daunting, to an event that is welcomed and fun.   The interns get to explore the corporate world, understand how to use their new skills, and decide where they want to work once they have completed their education. At the same time, Charter and Go gets the opportunity to influence future leaders while gaining the benefit of their fresh perspective. 

We would like to give a special thank you to the University of Central Missouri for their help with reaching out to students that were interested in an internship.  It’s clear that they have a great computer science program just looking at the quality of students that graduate from their university.


Charter and Go Pamela Huff
Pamela Huff – Consultant





Building intelligent solutions that allow our partners to present their brand, maximize their profit, while increasing customer retention.  At Charter and Go, we take the complexity out of chartering!

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