The Importance of End-to-End Testing


Today, modern software systems are very complex and are often interconnected with other software components; meaning, when old code is updated or new code is intro" />



The Importance of End-to-End Testing


Today, modern software systems are very complex and are often interconnected with other software components; meaning, when old code is updated or new code is introduced, already existing code could be moderately or, in some cases, drastically affected. In some cases the code needs to be completely refactored. This is where the importance of End-to-End testing (or E2E) comes into play.

End-to-End testing is an approach taken by software developers to ensure the functionality and proper performance of their product by testing it in a replicated “live” environment to ensure their product is market ready. Planning for End-to-End testing takes some time. The testing coordinator must work with the design and development teams to document every branch in logic and every possible response. In addition, the plan must include all the incorrect or invalid responses to make certain they are not allowed. End-to-End testing is not a onetime event but a continuous process during the evolution of the development of the software. As defects are identified and fixed, the entire testing process must be repeated until the team is satisfied that all of the defects in the software are identified. 

Quality End-to-End testing is valuable to software companies because if your product is unfinished and unrefined, it could not only damage the public perception of your product and company to potential customers, but it could also affect your current customer base. 

Take Charter and Go customers for example, if we released our product with bugs in crew management, scheduling, total cost, or pricing, it could significantly impact the profitability of our customers. Therefore we have spent several months testing our product to ensure that the software conforms to specifications and performs as designed. 


Derek Brown
Derek Brown – Marketing and Client Relations Associate





Building intelligent solutions that allow our partners to present their brand, maximize their profit, while increasing customer retention.  At Charter and Go, we take the complexity out of chartering!

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