
14OctCharter and Go Internship

The Value of an Internship – Both Sides of the Fence at Charter and Go

A potential customer challenged me on whether air charter clients are price sensitive or not.  My answer was an astounding yes!  Now that said, it comes with a multitude of conditions and factors such as convenience, comfort and other factors that either increase or decrease the price sensitivity of a potential client. 

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7OctCharter and Go - Luxury

At the Intersection of Luxury and Value

A potential customer challenged me on whether air charter clients are price sensitive or not.  My answer was an astounding yes!  Now that said, it comes with a multitude of conditions and factors such as convenience, comfort and other factors that either increase or decrease the price sensitivity of a potential client. 

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16SepCharter And Go Technology

Continuous Deployment and Rapid Improvement

In the digital era that we live in today, customers expect their applications to simplify their life and reduce the complexity that existed in the past. In addition, they have come to expect a product to continuously improve over time. To manage customer expectations, technology companies must be primed to rapidly develop and deploy cutting edge features. Technology companies utilize software engineering procedures and pipelines that ensure new features can be deployed in an incremental and reliable fashion to ensure that their customers get access to the most innovative services. At Charter and Go, these processes are critical for delivering cutting- edge features for charter flight companies and our customers 

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18AugCharter and Go - Privacy 101

Privacy 101

Should you be concerned about privacy? Absolutely. Any business entity that stores (even for a short period of time) personal information (e.g. name, address, phone number, email address, credit card number, etc.) gathered from its customers should be thinking about privacy and how privacy impacts business.

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Building intelligent solutions that allow our partners to present their brand, maximize their profit, while increasing customer retention.  At Charter and Go, we take the complexity out of chartering!

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