Pink Paper Plane Day


March 8, 1910 is the date that the first female pilot in the world received her pilot license. Her name is Raymonde de Laroche. Harriet Quimby received hers a year later, " />


8MarPink Paper Plane Day

Pink Paper Plane Day


March 8, 1910 is the date that the first female pilot in the world received her pilot license. Her name is Raymonde de Laroche. Harriet Quimby received hers a year later, on August 1, 1911. They weren’t the first female pilots. Women have been flying hot air balloons, dirigibles, and airplanes since 1788. Everyone knows that Wright brothers flew their powered airplane in 1903 and demonstrated controlled sustained flight with a pilot for the very first time. What isn’t common knowledge is that their sister, Katherine Wright, was a key member of the team. She obtained funding for them, assisted in their work, and knew the mathematics behind the development of the Wright Flyer. It is only fitting that this entire week is dedicated to women in all aspects of aviation.

Raymonde de Laroche and Harriet Quimby

Pink Paper Plane Challenge, sponsored by The Institute for Women of Aviation Worldwide, is a fun way to raise awareness of the opportunities for girls and women in any facet of the aviation industry. This engages individuals, corporations, flying clubs, government agencies and schools in activities such as Fly it Forward flights for girls to experience their first flight, tour facilities like simulators, try hands on activities in every aspect of aviation and learn about the awesome opportunities that lay ahead for them in this field. The intent is to encourage young women to seek future careers in aviation. The Pink Paper Plane Challenge is a symbol of the future.

I joined the aviation industry in 1983. This was totally unexpected and not on my career path. Over the years I have seen the number of women around me increase dramatically (we aren’t at 50% yet). Aviation is a dynamic and exciting field with so many different opportunities for a lot of different skillsets and women can and must contribute it its future in a big way.

For more information on Pink Paper Plane Day, check out,

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Ann Vinod
Ann Vinod – VP of Finance





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