Continuous Deployment and Rapid Improvement

In the digital era that we live in today, customers expect their applications to simplify their life and reduce th" />


16SepCharter And Go Technology

Continuous Deployment and Rapid Improvement

In the digital era that we live in today, customers expect their applications to simplify their life and reduce the complexity that existed in the past. In addition, they have come to expect a product to continuously improve over time. To manage customer expectations, technology companies must be primed to rapidly develop and deploy cutting edge features. Technology companies utilize software engineering procedures and pipelines that ensure new features can be deployed in an incremental and reliable fashion to ensure that their customers get access to the most innovative services. At Charter and Go, these processes are critical for delivering cutting- edge features for charter flight companies and our customers 

Continuous Deployment is one way that Charter and Go plans to deliver these innovations to their customers. This is a set of repeatable processes that are used to automate software development and delivery. While this may sound like a process that only applies at the point of getting software deployed and available to users, it is actually a set of procedures that apply throughout the entire development change management lifecycle. This ensures that Charter and Go can get new features to customers with greater agility and reliability.

To start with, all developers work off a single, “trunk” branch that contains the code of the project. Small, incremental changes are frequently added to the main trunk. Compared to big changes over long periods of time, these incremental changes allow for changes to be tested and validated much more effectively. In fact, prior to adding new code into the trunk branch, changes are validated with automated tests to prove that there will not be any breaking changes, ensuring that the code base stays reliable. Once the changes are validated and proven to be reliable, they are merged back into the trunk branch and then automatically deployed into production. 

To deliver the new changes to our customers, Charter and Go is committed to use the best processes to deliver reliable and innovative products as soon as they are ready to be used. This will ensure that the best and most innovative features make their way into the hands of our customers while being reliable, ensuring that your travel plans are completed as planned.


Kyle Gorgas –  Sr Principal of Front End Development





Building intelligent solutions that allow our partners to present their brand, maximize their profit, while increasing customer retention.  At Charter and Go, we take the complexity out of chartering!

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